Obviously I know nothing about planting and thought the 3 bags of mulch I got would spread farther than they did (I didn't think it would cover everything, but at least more than it did)

Our journey in building our house...
Steps to go in (gotta get that door painted...my time is running short)
The back from the corner all the way over to the deck stairs and back patio
The two level patio out from the house with a fire pit (I'm not sure what to expect there)
This is all Manny's doing. I just sat back and gave him the okay to do what he wanted...he gave me that liberty with many things inside the house...I owed him the same!! I can't wait to see the finished product.....more to come Monday!
The room is coming out so dark..sorry!
(never mind all the clutter...I am trying to do this while the boys nap...clean up later!!)
or # 2 (this and the next are the same....just different views)
My next project....a flower bed or something with a walkway