Saturday, July 28, 2007

T of N (ewburgh) Building Permits Stink!!

So we received our first of who knows how many "rejections" or "need to do this..." letters for the building permit the other day. We now have to contact the surveyor again and have him re plot the house, with a porch and deck...they are on the blueprint so what is the difference?!? We also have to decide which set of stairs going to the attic on the blueprint we are using; that's a no brainer because we have a walk-up wouldn't be the pull down stairs. And what is the big deal if the paperwork doesn't say "insulated door" leading to attic...I thought you didn't know which stairway we were using. So now we have a delay...I just hope we have a foundation by the time I go back to school. I would love to have Christmas in our new house.

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