So Manny and I took advantage of having no kids today we did some shopping. We went to look at kitchen cabinets and counter tops. We actually came to a mutual decision pretty quickly. The guy is going out to the house tomorrow morning to measure and do a layout to give us some ideas and prices. After my sonogram we went to look at tile. This is a whole different story. We pretty much don't agree on anything. Everything Manny likes, I despise. He didn't like much of what I picked out either. We had to (according to him) make decisions today. This was my first time looking and I didn't want to be pressured into anything. He had been there already and looked at tile. We did agree of tile for the downstairs family room and kitchen. I know what I want for one upstairs bathroom, just have to find it. I sill have to decide what I am doing in the other bathroom. I couldn't make anymore decisions today...I need to go back another day.
Dad, Chris and the duct work guy worked at the house again today. Chris helped with the duct work and Dad worked on the plumbing. The stairs are being delivered tomorrow and when Dad gets time and help he will install them. The electrician is starting Wed or Thursday and we had to decide for every room where and what we wanted as far as lighting and fans for the wiring. Siding guy will begin work this week, at least we already have those decisions made. Soon we'll have to pick out inside doors and door knobs as well as for the kitchen cabinets. I don't even know what else we have to decide on. I never knew there were so many decisions to make in building a house. Don't get me wrong, I am glad we are picking everything out and not moving into someone
else's designs.
I hope to get there once the stairs are up and take some pictures. I have been told to not climb the ladder anymore, it is too dangerous being that I am pregnant.