Friday, August 31, 2007

Framework for foundation walls

Here is the framework for the foundation walls. The cement was poured yesterday and the frames came off today. We went to see the results today and it looks awesome!! Of course my batteries were dead so I'll go tomorrow to get pictures.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The walls are going up

The mason was at the lot today putting up the framework for the foundation walls. Tomorrow we have the inspection of that and the cement truck is to be there in the afternoon sometime. It's so exciting that things are actually happening and we are slowly progressing. My hope way back in June, before we even closed, was to have a foundation before I went back to school. By the looks of things, that will be true. I am now thinking/hoping that we will have a framed house by the end of September. I think I am being very realistic. I'll have pictures tomorrow or Friday of our walls.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Decisions, decisions

Yesterday Manny and I went and walked the lot and imagined our house. It's awesome to be able to look at something and know that we will finally have our house. We also did some driving around to look at colors of siding with shutters and colors of front doors. I do wonder what some people were thinking when they chose colors. In order to not be one of those people, we decided we are not putting up shutters for the time being. We know our siding color, roof color and Manny has decided what kind of front door we'll have (I don't care). Now I just need to decide what color to make the door (I have 2 colors in mind). We were also back to discussing the kitchen. Our focus lately seems to be on the refrigerator. I have given into stainless steel (we had it in our condo and I hate to keep it clean, especially with so many tiny fingers touching it) but the set up is what separates us. I do not like the fridge and freezer side by side length wise, I like one on top of the other and I don't care which is where (we had the freezer on the bottom in the condo; that just makes it easier for Little Manny to get ice pops when he wants them). My husband wants side by side so he can have the ice/water maker on the door. Now I call that lazy because you can easily open the door and scoop out some ice cubes. I know they have the compromise fridge with the ice maker on the door and freezer still on the bottom, but we hadn't budgeted $2300 for a fridge!! Oh I am not giving in on this one!! You'll see who wins in the end (smile)!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007


The footings were poured Thursday (thank goodness it didn't rain) and we just have to wait a week to pour the foundation. It seems funny to think about, but we have to pick out showers/bathtubs, windows and doors already. I don't like having to make decisions like that. I think I need to walk through some houses for ideas. We know what color siding we will do, but as far as a color of a front door and shutters?? Time to do my homework and make decisions. Way back Manny told me I can make ALL of the decisions, as long as I let him design the kitchen. Yes my husband likes to cook, I just wish it was more often than once a month. I think a stipulation will be involved with picking out the cook your 2 days off a week. (And don't think for even a second I won't offer any opinions ha ha)
Here are pictures of the footings being poured and my little Manny (with my dad) enjoying the big truck and dirt immensely.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The work that has been done recently

Digging for the footings and foundation

Out of order but before they started digging for the footings and foundation

Manny with Pop Pop walking in the ditch headed towards the backhoe

The excavator hard at work

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Rain, rain go away!!!

Well we were off to a great start until the rain started. The mason came yesterday and framed the footings and we were able to get an inspection today, in hopes of pouring the concrete this afternoon. Well, the rain decided that it needed to come down the entire day and because of this the inspector said we have to have it inspected again before we pour the cement. Of course the next available appointment is Thursday afternoon so if it's not raining we should have footings by Thursday evening. Then we have to wait a week until we can pour the walls. My hopes were to have a foundation when I went back to school and the schedule right now looks like that will happen. Pray for the rain to end....until the house is built and covered with siding and a roof (smile). That's not asking for too much is it?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


In the mail today we received our building permit. YEAH!!! That nice woman at the building permit office last week must have felt sorry for my parents having us live with them so long and put a super rush on it. Of course we are leaving tomorrow to go to Myrtle Beach so hopefully the hole for the foundation will be dug by the time we get back. I am glad we have my father in charge so get stay on top of people to get things done. I'll fill you all in on where we have progressed when we return.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Back on track??

I dropped off all of our "fixes" to the building department this afternoon; so we'll just have to wait and see if it is what they need or not. I had a very nice woman wait on me and she told me they would look over what I brought and let me know whether it's a go with the building permit or that we have to "fix" other things. I expressed how anxious we are to get going to be in the house by the time I had the baby in February. Any little nudge helps!!