Manny's friend came yesterday and primed all of the walls and painted the ceilings. We've decided because he is giving us such a good price that we are just going to have him paint all of the house. After my doctor's appointment yesterday I ran to get the guys lunch and when I dropped it off at the house I was told I had a half an hour to pick out colors for each room. Now panic set in! I had narrowed down to a handful but I hadn't made any final decisions. I came home and just couldn't make up my mind. The only room I didn't need to make a final decision on was Taina's room because I let her decide. I showed Manny and he told me all of my choices for each room looked the same...example the blue for the boy's room was just a hint different in each selection I made. I got through it though and all of the paint was mixed and brought to the house. The painter is coming back tomorrow to get started in the house; yes I am having him paint every room....I had to choose 8 colors....and I may change the color of the hallway yet.
Carl, the excavator is up at the house today digging for the leech field. I feel like I've been saying he's gonna do this for a while now. I hope it is finished soon!!
We are still trying to solve our tile issue from the Bid & Buy certificate we have and hopefully we'll have a final answer today.
Manny and I ran out to Lowes last night and

picked out a ceiling fan for the living room and
for Taina's room (on the right). I thought it is cute and girly
and being that she picked a very soft pink out for the walls
this will compliment the room nicely. I didn't find one I like for
our bedroom or the boys bedroom. They had a baseball one
but I wasn't crazy about it. We found the chandelier we
want for the dining room, but the only one they had was opened and damaged. We have to check another location. We were able
to find lights for the hallway upstairs and down and the entranceway. I feel very accomplished for this!! While we were there we also looked at vanities and I found one for the kids bathroom, but it again was opened and damaged and I have to pick out a pedestal sink for our bathroom. The vanity I want for the downstairs bathroom I saw in a sales flyer somewhere and need to find it in a store. We also picked up tile for our bathroom at Lowes and saved a ton of money compared to the tile store (and it looks exactly the same).
We still have a lot to get, but I feel good about last night.
Tomorrow morning we are meeting with the kitchen lady to finalize cabinets and get them many great things happening!!!